dinheiro que não vem pra cá

2010 m. birželio 17 d., ketvirtadienis







13 komentarų:

  1. declaro-me culpado
    retirado de

  2. Words like violence
    Break the silence
    Come crashing in
    Into my little world
    Painful to me
    Pierce right through me
    Can't you understand
    Oh my little girl

    All I ever wanted
    All I ever needed
    Is here in my arms
    Words are very unnecessary
    They can only do harm

    in: Depeche Mode - Violator

  3. Muchas gracias por tu atención.
    como estás cholo

    mujer soltera busca

    un hombre que le haga sentir mariposas en la panza
    que le detenga el corazón cuando amague besarla
    que le arranque chispas de la piel
    y la rescate del papel
    de niña enamorada

    Sin Destino y sin Dirección

    construye castillos con libros viejos
    sueña con irse a algún mundo lejos
    y traza mapas para algún viaje
    a dónde el sol nunca se escape

    Escrito en 2010
    un demonio bajo la piel
    0 voces
    es el ángel de mis momentos mas negros
    la musa de los silencios eternos
    es palabra redentora y la peor tentación
    es el sonido roto del decir amor

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    el silencio es un ruido blanco
    que brilla en lo oscuro
    que quiebra en lo más alto

    Escrito en 2010
    Si yo soy así qué voy a hacer
    0 voces
    podría decir que te quiero
    de una forma egoísta
    y siempre en silencio

    o que tengo miedo
    de las voces autistas
    que suenan de nuevo

    Escrito en 2010
    I haven't said enough
    0 voces
    no digas más
    no digas silencio
    no calles soledad
    no ves que no quiero
    estar otra vez tan mal
    no ves que me muero
    si vos no estás?

  4. te deixo um roteiro 3 /6 /4
    bou ver kim politikus est

    Por favor por favor mi amor
    dame algo para calmar el dolor
    un poco de humo dulzón
    un traguito de alcohol
    o sólo arrancame el corazón.

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    si el mundo se cae
    pero yo no caigo con él
    quizá el mundo va a aplastarme
    y desapareceré entre los escombros
    ¡pero no quiero al mundo sobre mis hombros!

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    su cara
    esa maldita máscara
    que se adivina en sombras
    se forma de las sobras
    del corazón roto
    de otro

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    temo el día en que tu sonrisa deje de perfilarse en los hilos de humo
    y no me recuerde a tu perfume el café del desayuno
    o no pueda dibujar la forma de tus labios en mi mente
    sólo sabré llamar a nadie con mis manos de demente)

    Escrito en 2010
    be strong
    0 voces
    tengo que
    hacerme fuerte
    ponerme en pie
    tentar la suerte
    empezar otra vez

    sangra y huye
    0 voces
    me fui queriendo quedarme
    tenía miedo
    me obligué a alejarme
    pero te quiero
    no puedo negarte

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    cuando lo oscuro se vuelve un refugio
    para lo que no querés ver
    o la noche se hace morada
    de lo que pudiera ser.

    Escrito en 2010
    levántate y camina como un león
    0 voces
    amar duele.
    duele como todas esas cosas que hacen vivir,
    que te hacen inmensa, incomparablemente feliz.
    amar duele.
    duele de miedo a perderlo o a no alcanzar las expectativas
    o a dejar de amar algún día
    y no poder nunca recordar lo bello que era ese dolor.
    después de todo, todo lo que duele rima con amor.
    amar duele y a todos nos va el masoquismo,
    para qué negarlo,
    amar es otro vicio.

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    incluso sonriendo cantando bebiendo
    en el borde de su boca hay palabras rotas
    alegría fingida, la musa dormida
    y una ciudad fantasma que sueña en la nada

    Escrito en 2010
    llamador de ángeles
    0 voces
    tintinea canturrea
    la palabra soledad
    en su danza se marea
    el que llegó hasta acá

    Escrito en 2010
    rosas sin espinas
    0 voces
    tiene el olor de la luz en los huesos
    y el latir muy lejos del mundo nuestro

    Escrito en 2010
    la amas porque está muerta
    0 voces
    papeles rotos en los muros
    de sus silencios más puros

    Escrito en 2010
    en los huesos
    0 voces
    ¿vas a dejar que esas voces sigan gritando en tu cabeza?
    (vas a dejar que ellas destrocen toda esa belleza)

    Escrito en 2010
    Un dios
    0 voces
    mientras duermo
    hay demonios
    acariciando mis sueños

    hay música y payasos
    bailan una danza loca
    haciéndose pedazos

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    ya no corren
    tocan pero
    no sienten
    y espero
    ¿o es que mienten?
    tocan pero
    pero no
    rozan el vacío
    aunque éste frío
    tenga la forma de tu rostro
    en realidad
    es sólo otro monstruo
    de la madrugada
    (no dicen nada)

    Escrito en 2010
    come back and hug me
    0 voces
    a pesar de todo sonrío al sentirte cerca
    al notar en tu contacto la piel desierta

    Escrito en 2010
    0 voces
    niños que sólo saben cerrar la ausencia con palabras
    sombras que luego nacen en la niebla de madrugada

    Escrito en 2010
    La Palabra
    0 voces
    no sabía hablar y la única rebeldía posible
    le era un grito más allá de lo humano
    un aullido demasiado real para ser creíble

    Canción para mi muerte

    qué hierba mala o flor marchita
    seré cuando mis huesos se pudran
    desaparezcan mis últimos restos
    y mi alma se hunda?

  5. Rede an den kleinen Mann sabias que no ay uno com este título se tivesses posto Reich
    mas também para quê vais continuar???
    olha que isto consome muito tempo
    grapes of wrath....e só lês aquelas partes do êxodo dos okies passas 20 páginas sem as ler
    quem te conheça que te compre...
    mas foi só até ós 12 que depois passou-me
    e um livro é como uma paixão cada um tem as suas ou isso ou aumentavam o espaço...
    ...---... ---...---

  6. Words like violence
    Break the silence
    Come crashing in
    Into my little world
    yep conhecido mas vem a propósito
    talvez para 22

  7. The Girl with a few words
    she's a killer.. she's a keeper

    HOW do i know good movies from boring movies..

    well.. simple!

    while the movie is being played.. i predict!

    if it comes to my expectations.. then its a boring movie

    if it exceeded my predictions?


    i saw the kung fu boy today.. which is okay! cuz... i predicted everything.. even the hits that kiddo got..

    i think i saw a movie about that before.. karate kid or something.. SAME EXACT PRINCIPLE..

    i loved the company though.. so no regrets.. PLUS.. I LOVE JAKIE CHAN

    I LOVE THE KILLERS MOVIE.. its a new one.. go see it! :P
    OH GOD.. when did i become this picky?

    anyway i dont remember a movie that i hated... except for one called the OUT LANDER.. i slept in the movies..i dont remember whats it all about.. but wai333

    dont buy the poster.. its lying.

    Posted by brown-suger at 12:08 AM 3 comments Links to this post

    Labels: movies

    Monday, June 21, 2010
    "all parents damage their children. it cannot be helped. youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhood completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair."

    source: the five people you meet in heaven. Mitch Album.

    Posted by brown-suger at 6:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

    Labels: Books, quotes

    6 things about myself.
    list down 6 secrets that no one would notice or know upon meeting me for the first time…

    1- im a NERD.. you would've not guessed that upon our first encounter i suppose.

    2- i love sweets. A LOT.. i could survive on it entirely. plus, i do think its a food group all by itself..

    3- im into weird unusual things.. in pretty much everything. if had to choose between two things. i'd probably pick the weirdest lol

    4- im so clumsy and disoriented. i could get myself hurt effortlessly. with pretty much anything.. or without anything in fact..

    5- im a loud gum chewer..

    6- i always smile.. to the point where people think i got nothing to worry about ( its true, i've been told so.), which is not true. i just cant frown.. not in front of others anyway.
    as one less reason said it ( all i got are screams inside but somehow they come out in a smile..)

    Posted by brown-suger at 10:20 AM 4 comments Links to this post

    Labels: Me, tagged

    Saturday, June 19, 2010

    going through this life
    you meet people..
    in you future
    in your past.
    right now

    you make them
    friends or foes.
    you learn from them
    and they do from you
    just make sure when
    you cross their path
    to leave a greener grass

    thats what i try to do.
    not every time it works though
    most of the times i make huge mistakes.
    i do fuck up
    and being mortal and weak
    is not an excuse

    i do try to cut my loss
    to make peace
    and carry on
    i'll go away
    instead of remaining unwanted
    but i make sure
    that my heart is pure
    and my hands are clean

    i dont have enemies
    not that i know off anyway
    i might be hurt
    but i know that with time
    i'll forget the pain
    yet the memory will linger in my brain
    just like good warm feelings
    how they always remain

    im not anything like buddha believe me
    i just lose the interest to hold on to a grudge for too long
    but when it comes to my mistakes
    they're like water proof markers..
    hard to wash away
    with water or time..
    seems almost impossible
    so they linger
    on and on
    until they get the best in me..
    and then i realize something
    i might have an enemy after all
    its me
    my own enemy.
    its the person on my reflection
    and every time i try
    i fail
    to make peace with myself.
    and it kills me
    or it did..
    i can never be sure
    but its a murder
    and a homo-side
    all at the same time..

  8. deep moments, memories, mood swings, mumbling, my poems i have this obsession

    i feel like blogging all the time

    and i think i know why..

    because i've been thinking A LOT for the past couple of days.. and when i do.. my mind bonders and wonders and its like it goes away from its place (my humble head) and floats around.. ( one time it went all the way to mars and got back thankfully before i lost it for good)..

    i feel...

    (DAM IT I FORGOT TO KEEP UP WITH MY GRATITUDE JOURNAL.. huff.. im at my cousins place and ive been sleeping over for the past week and so. i forgot to keep up with my journal.. -.-" i have to write in it daily...) anyways.. i just remembered that and its shock made me forget what i was saying..

    as i was saying..

    i've been feeling WAY BETTER.. since i got out of the house..
    not that our house is depressing..

    just the people in it lol .. jk.. ( not)..blaah..
    nesait shkint bagool..
    the thing is.. i feel better here..
    aaah.. im getting distracted..
    “I Will Do One Thing Today” To-Do List
    A Commitment to One Thing a Day
    Some people spend 90% of their time organizing their time. Some tackle to-do lists peppered with insignificance that stretch a mile long. And still, there are others who refuse to do anything at all.

    As for me, I am committed to doing one thing a day, and that has made all the difference.

    The One Thing To-Do List
    What one thing will you do today?

    Get out a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Write “I will do one thing today!” in big letters across the page. Then list your one thing at the bottom. It should look something like this:
    Make your own “I Will Do One Thing Today” to-do list every morning and get it done before you get sidetracked with unimportant stuff.
    Give the Gift of Simplicity
    Our friend Kit over at Pretty Bitter has taken the idea of a “one thing” to-do list a step further. He has created 2×3 sticky notepads with the phrase “I will do one thing today.” pre-printed on each note. Even better yet, they’re only $1. They make great gifts for colleagues and friends. Check them out!
    i keep a sharp blade close to my bed..

    no i dont use it, as much as im tempted to..

    sometimes i do think..

    wouldnt it be better if you were scarred from the outside.. to get you distracted from the scars that cant be seen..?
    sorry.. i do mean it..
    I know it's not my place
    To tell you what you're doing wrong
    Sometimes I think about your face
    And there's times that I don't think of you at all

  9. and sometimes i dont have the patience..
    sometimes i just cant handle the pain

    and you know what i do?

    i let the other person misunderstand.. without bothering to correct..
    because of this.. i really do feel like a failure..

    failing myself and those around me,,
    and i even thoughts my studies are gonna help..


    its been bothering me A LOT lately....

    well that and a bunch of other things..

    the good side is..
    i no longer hesistate about my NEXT MOVE

    i know.. when it comes to my job and my career..

    i just dont know what to do when it comes to family
    and friends

    i've heard long ago.. that i shouldnt be in control of the situation.. and i shouldnt let the situation control me either
    i have to be flexable.. and fast.. like catching a prey i guess?? or no?

    speaking of weird examples.. i had one while i was in the tub today.. its quiet funny but its true

    imagine urself as a bath tub.. or whatever lol
    the effect people leave are like foam..?

    aaah.. i forgot where i was heading with this.. soo.. never mind that stupid stupid example..

    but for the record.. it did make sense while i was in the tub lol

    oh god.. =(
    im blessed.. im truly blessed..
    help me see that.. will you?

    nighty folks...
    Labels: Me, sleepless, thoughts, what i hate

    Quote of the day

    The colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work with people who are unmotivated to change. Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. Even the choices words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real figures of speech.

    Posted by brown-suger at 2:21 AM 2 comments Links to this post

    Labels: quotes

    then you'll see there's so much more than curves..
    Sunday, June 13, 2010

    if you were a song..
    what would it be?

    my answer:



    إني أعرف أن هذهـ مكرمةٌ فيك يابلوتس
    مثلما أعرف ظاهر سماك
    إن الشرف لهو موضوع حكايتي
    أنا لا أأدم رأيك أو سواك من الناس في هذه الحياه
    لكني أنا لنفسي وحدي
    أغفل عن طيب خاطرٍ على أن لا أكون على أن أحيا
    لأكون في فزعٍ من شيٍ هو مثلي
    إني ولدت حراً مثل قيصر وكذلك أنت
    كلانا طعِم كما طعِم
    وكِلانا يستطيع أن يحتمل من برد الشتاء مايحتمل
    ففي ذات يومٍ قرنٍ عاصفٍ والتيبر المضطرب يدافع ضفتيه
    قال قيصر
    أتقدِم ياكاسيوس
    أن تقذف نفسك وسط هذا النهر الهائج
    وتسبح معي حتى ظفة النهر الأخرى
    فما كاد أن يتم كلمته حتى قذفت بنفسي
    وأنا في شبة سلاحي
    ودعوته أن يلحق بي
    والحظ والغفران
    كان العباب يزمجر ونحن نلطم بغضبٍ شديد
    وننحي الموج ونكافح بقلبين متباريين
    ولكن قبل أن نصل إلى الموضع المرشود صاح قيصر
    إنجيني ياكاسيوس وإلا غرقت
    أنقمت من لبب التيبر القيصر المنعوج
    فهذا الرجل
    أصبح الأن إلاهاً
    وكاسيوس مخلوقٌ تعيس
    عليه أن ينحني بجسمه
    إذا أطرق له قيصر برأسه دون احتفال
    أصابته الحمى حين كان في أسبانيا
    وكلما ألمت به نوبةٌ كنت ألحظه كيف يرتعد
    وشفتاهـ الجبانتان هربتا بلونهما ونفس تلك العين
    التي رمقةٌ منها تروع العالم
    فقدت بريقها
    لقد سمعته يأن أين عمري
    ولسانه ذلك الذي يشخص الرومان أن يأمروا جيوشهم
    وأن يدونوا خطبهم في كتبهم

    صاح ياللأسف
    ناولني شربةً ياتتنياس!!

    كالصبية المريضه

    أيتها الآلهه
    إني ليدهشني أن رجلاً على هذه الجبلة الخرعه
    أن يسبق هكذا إلى مُلك الدنيا ويحمل راية النصر وحدهـ

  10. So tell me you need me and I will stay
    You believe me and I will wait
    That you'd come back for me every time I fall
    In your heart there's just no place
    There's no room to make a mistake
    And with one wrong turn you would never make it home

    I know you would never say
    What I did that made you feel so small
    Spent the whole year on my face
    Now with a little help I'll stand up on my own, my own

    i wanna say alot of things.. but im stopping myself..
    dont ask me why
    im already asking myself that

    being misunderstood in a bath tub
    you know what bothers me?

    being misunderstood..

    and im often being misunderstood.. due to the fact that i suck at communicating with others..
    whenever i need/want to say something.. the other person doesnt get it, sometimes they do.. partially. and at other times.. they take the complete opposite percpective that i intended to make..

    dont worry.. its on my resolution list to fix it.. and god help me i will..

    its just that i feel like im losing a lot of things on the way to reaching my goal you know...

  11. ainda bem para si...
    despeço-me com isto
    The colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work with people who are unmotivated to change. Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. Even the choices words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real figures of speech.
    se uma miúda de 21 anos percebe isto
    e um macaco velho não percebe o ideal
    é exterminar os velhos preconceitos
    e tentar (mas nunca conseguir) construir dos escombros
    um outro mundo
    toda a vida tem por fim morrer
    que morra em glória
    em vez de viver num vómito de palavras
    e outra revolução votada ao fracasso

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